Archives: Press Reviews

‘Hasan is a witty writer and the style is highly engaging, richly descriptive and emotionally astute.’ The Sydney Morning Herald

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‘Hasan delivers the bitter truth that for all their suavity, our young Englishspewing motormouths are merely automatons sold on the candyfloss life, the bastard children of globalisation.’ Mail Today

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‘Hasan’s two books are good examples of how the personal can successfully be used to illustrate the bigger picture; how individual lives can help map the life of this vast country and the many subcultures that coexist within it.’ Crest

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‘Hasan is an assured writer, excellent at teasing out the comedy and despair in the lives of imperfect, confused characters and their muddled rebellions…This is a novel that will speak to a generation.’ Indian Express

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‘Hasan’s writing is full of warm humour… Blurbs will struggle to capture her subversivesness.’ Tehelka

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‘Hasan is masterful with the nuances of longing and the subtlest of tragedies…. [She is] an artist with her words. There is writerly accomplishment in every turn of phrase.’ Deccan Herald

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‘Neti, Neti paints an empathetic portrait of the unusually liberated—and unexpectedly lost—middle-class youth of the brave new India… the novel wins over the reader with its sincerity.’ Outlook

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‘Neti, Neti can legitimately claim to be the definitive “new Bangalore” novel… an unflinching investigation of the immigrant narrative.’ Mint

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Mukulika Banerjee Author, The Pathan Unarmed

‘This compelling story is more relevant now than ever. Badshah Khan’s tireless struggle against oppression and division was non-violent and uncompromising, principled and creative. Readers will be enthralled and inspired.’

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