
  • As a physician, writer, and researcher, Haider Warraich wears many hats. He writes frequently for the New York Times and the Washington Post, and has more than 120 peer reviewed research papers including multiple papers in the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association.

    In his upcoming book, The Song of Our Scars: The Untold Story of Pain (Basic Books, April 2022), Warraich offers a bold reexamination of the nature of pain, not as a simple physical sensation, but as a cultural experience. He has previously written the books Modern Death: How Medicine Changed the End of Life (2017) and State of the Heart: Exploring the History, Science and Future of Cardiac Disease (2017).

    Dr Warraich completed internal medicine and cardiology training at Harvard Medical School and Duke University and is the Associate Director of Heart Failure at the VA Boston Healthcare System, Associate Physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. He has appeared on CNN, Fox, CBS, PBS, and on NPR shows like Fresh Air with Terry Gross and The Diane Rehm Show.

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